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citizenAID's video is aimed at helping Ukrainian people injured in conflict

citizenAID, the UK charity whose aim is to educate members of the public in how to act in a multi-casualty situation, is delighted to announce that it has produced a video aimed at helping the Ukrainian people.

The six-minute video explains how common household items can be used to make a medical pack to save lives in an emergency.

Matt Fernley, citizenAID trustee and producer of the video said, “The citizenAID methodology emphasises that where a medical pack doesn’t exist, it’s OK to improvise. This video is aimed at helping civilians in Ukraine, who may have no access to medical supplies or to medically-trained professionals, to stabilise casualties until medical support can arrive.”

The video, which is in Ukrainian, shows how major injuries such as broken limbs, severe bleeding, limb amputation and a broken pelvis can be treated using clothes and common household items.

Andrew Thurgood citizenAID’s Chair and co-founder said, “If just one life is saved from someone using the simple skills in this video, then that will be a tremendous result.”

The video is available via YouTube via this link or via the charity’s webpage at

For further details please contact Mike Robinson, Operations Manager

M: +44 7732 252 636"


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