citizenAID is a company limited by guarantee (CIO) in England (No 10315303) and a charity, registered in England & Wales (No 1176033).

Public familiarisation material
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Free resources from citizenAID
We are delighted to share with you our FREE educational material which includes the enhancements from Version 2 of the App and the new pocket guide.
Clicking on the slides above will take you to our free resources, a series of short PowerPoint show slides and information videos to enhance learning.
To keep these resources free and help us develop more, please donate here:
Building the success of our App, version 2 has expanded the public advice to include a Vehicle Attack and an Acid Attack, has enhanced the ‘Prepare and learn’ section and introduces a function to use your phone to dial 999 when prompted to do so.
The whole system has been extensively refreshed to further increase the picture content (with a compensating reduction in the text), in order to be both more intuitive and to enhance accessibility through reducing the literary age. Our original App has proved to be very successful with many hundreds of thousands of downloads, not just in the UK but around the world. We know that the public want this information and that they have used it in the deliberate attacks since its launch in January 2017.
The citizenAID initiative has now been recognised through three national awards in innovation, counter terrorism and business resilience.
citizenAID is proud to accept the support of the Wesleyan Foundation, which has made the enhanced app possible in a timely way and to be responsive to the evolving threats of a deliberate attack.
''The public deserves the information on how to be as safe and act as effectively as possible to save lives in these unlikely, but not impossible events.''